Sell Sell Sell To Pay Many Many Many Embarrasing Lawsuits From Children Under Your Care
Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
Signs You Would Like To See At Watchtower Convention
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think gb loesch has made some pretty bold statements that could be put in quotes with his picture attached could be a real killer!.
believe and obey only the faithful slave, don't believe any negative comment about us in the press believe only us.. google: child molestation watchtower bible and tract society, klick on wikki..
Signs You Would Like To See At Watchtower Convention
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think gb loesch has made some pretty bold statements that could be put in quotes with his picture attached could be a real killer!.
believe and obey only the faithful slave, don't believe any negative comment about us in the press believe only us.. google: child molestation watchtower bible and tract society, klick on wikki..
Brokeback Watchtower
No More Conventions Part Of Watchtower Bible And Tract Society Information Control
Stay In The Truth Don't Go To College
Tight Pant's Disgust Jehovah Says Anthony Gay Morris The Turd
Signs You Would Like To See At Watchtower Convention
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think gb loesch has made some pretty bold statements that could be put in quotes with his picture attached could be a real killer!.
believe and obey only the faithful slave, don't believe any negative comment about us in the press believe only us.. google: child molestation watchtower bible and tract society, klick on wikki..
Brokeback Watchtower
Kingdom Halls Sold To Pay Multiple Child Molestation Lawsuits In The Million$$$
Governing Body's Child Endangerment Policies Need Serious Revisions. How About Some New Light ?
Universal sovereignty on trial
by Factfulness ini just had a thought of clarity regarding the jw explanation for this doctrine.
they explain that satan challenged god regarding his right to rule.
god failed to prove his right to rule.
The Ultimate Solution to the Mishandling of Abuse within the bOrg
by Wild_Thing ini feel like the world needs to wake up and realize that bethel, the home of the governing body in warwick, new york is the "vatican" of the jehovah's witness world.
their doctrines, edicts, and policies affect every jehovah's witness man, woman, and child around the world.
i don't feel like the politicians in foreign countries understand this.
Brokeback Watchtower
I think with all these other countries having inquiries about child molestation and Watchtower Inc. policies about dealing with child abuse and not reporting it to authorities, will cause the US government to launch it's own investigation eventually.
There is Important Dutch News: majority in Dutch Parliament require an investigation into child abuse within JWs
by AndersonsInfo inthere is important dutch news: majority in dutch parliament require an investigation into child abuse within jws
the lower house requires independent investigation into abuse of jehovah's witnesses .
june 28, 2018 18:56 .
Brokeback Watchtower
Watchtower's reputation is all shot to hell due to it's selfish nonreporting child molestations policies. They can hide behind the biblical reasons for doing so all they want,, it ain't gonna save their ass in court with a wise Judge.
Just seen on Twitter: Ol' Rubber Face Steven Lett - Obedience Required
by jp1692 injust seen on twitter: .
Brokeback Watchtower
Try to imagine Lett dressed in a clown suit and the perfect makeup to accentuate his rubbery dexterity I'm sure Barnum and Baily would hire him in an instant.
On leaving JW's and hating religion...
by Jehalapeno init's been nearly 4 years now since i completely woke up to the watchtower lies.. thinking back on my jw life, during the time i believed, the organization truly did teach us to hate all beliefs that were contrary to the watchtower's.. i hated "false" religion.. so, when i finally woke up and applied critical thinking to my beliefs, i just went on hating religion in general...only this time i added jw's to that list.. a few months of waking up, i decided to base my beliefs on evidence.
i didn't want to have a set of beliefs unless there was some logic or evidence behind it.
so, now i consider myself an atheist.. and i kept on hating religion.. within the last six months or so, something has changed.
Brokeback Watchtower
Some people need religion I don't. Religion has been some what abusive to me but I don't hate it, I hate the Watchtower corporation but other religions my interest is only mild so no hatred because I just am not very interested in joining any, don't wish them ill or anything it fills a need for some people and I'm ok with it.
Just seen on Twitter: Ol' Rubber Face Steven Lett - Obedience Required
by jp1692 injust seen on twitter: .
Brokeback Watchtower
I would like for Lett to give us some singing instructions. He probably start off with: "It's all in the lips, see-> blubber, blubber, blubber, blubber, now don't be afraid of how silly this looks, I do this lip work out for a full 10 minutes every time I'm called on to do public speaking, so come on now letts keep the lips a flapping"
Just seen on Twitter: Ol' Rubber Face Steven Lett - Obedience Required
by jp1692 injust seen on twitter: .
Brokeback Watchtower
I'm so glad Old Rubber Mug is a GB and he's on so many YouTube vids, it gives me the shits.
Yes I'm afraid that the man with the floppy lips has help a lot of JDubs leave the "trooth" and begin serving Satan and the flesh. I on the other hand left long before I ever got to see his rubbery horse's ass.